Postdoctoral Research Associates

Dr. Sungho Jeon


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Dr. Sungho Jeon earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Information Systems from the University of Tokyo in 2017. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the NBMS Lab at Hanyang University. He joined as a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Penn in September of 2021.

Research Interests:

His research focuses on applying and developing in situ (S)TEM techniques to study the synthesis process of nanoparticles. He is also interested in correlating the structure of catalysts to their properties. He is currently working in CHASE, developing molecule/semiconductor hybrid photoelectrodes for cooperative sunlight-driven generation of liquid fuels from carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and water. Here, he studies the nanodroplet-based synthesis process of Cu nanoparticles and  molecular catalysts attached to semiconductor support.

Dr. Rajeev Kumar Rai


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Dr. Rajeev has received his Ph.D. in Materials Science from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore in 2021. During his Ph.D. he worked in Nanomaterials & Microscopy group where his work was to design synthesis protocol for 2 D nanostructures with specific applications and their characterization using Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques. For a brief period, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Functional Thin Films and Electron Microscopy Lab,]CeNSE, IISc, where his role was to investigate the thin film oxides using TEM techniques. He joined as Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Pennsylvania in June 2022.

Research Interests:

His research focuses on understanding the reaction mechanism for CO2 sequestration in minerals and other gas phase catalytic reactions using in-situ (S)-TEM imaging and spectroscopy. He is also interested in phase transformation and atomic inter diffusion using in-situ (S)-TEM methods. Apart from in-situ methods, he is also interested in other electron microscopy techniques including electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and 4D-STEM.